Monday, November 5, 2007

children need

1. A child:

§ According to the Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary, the term “Child”
refers to a young human being who is not yet an adult.

§ The law of contract Ordinance,[cap 433]defines the term “minor” which
is similar to “child “as a person who has not attained the age of
majority 18 years of age.

§ The children and young persons Act [cap13] defines the term ‘CHILD” as a persons below 12 years of age.

§ The Universal declaration for the right of children defines the term ‘CHILD” as a human beingbelow18years of age.

2. Talent:

v The Oxford Advanced learners dictionary defines the “talent” as a natural ability to do something well.

All children’s have special talents that need to be noticed and nurtured so they will do well in school and in their later lives. Other children’s talents are not visible, but they are there. Each child has special talents of some kind and parents can play a major role in helping the child find it.

Most of the educator divides the talent in seven major areas i.e.:

· Science
· Mathematics
· Language arts
· Musical talent
· Dramatic arts
· Performing arts and
· Sports.

The major question most people ask themselves is “how to discover these talents?” especially for those which are not visible.
The answers has been provided by educator Howard Gardner who suggests eight children ways of learning that will help parents teachers etc. to discover children person abilities [talent]. These ways of learning are:

I. Learning about logic and mathematics. This category of learning emphasizes understanding and organizing. The world of objects and includes, math, sorting objects by size and or color and seeing patterns.

II. Learning about language. Language based. Learning is about understanding and using spoken and written language. This category include show children’s learn to explain themselves, to persuade others and to tell and write stories.

III. Learning about music. Learning about music center on principle of music, such as rhythm, pitch melody and tone quality. This might include how children learn the words and melody to a new song and they play musical instrument.

IV. Learning about special relations. These learning centers on seeing objects in the environment and relating what was seeing later in our minds. For example, teaching children about special relations may help them to find the class room at school to remember the location of a favorite sport in woods, or to rd and follow a road map.

V. Learning about physical control. This type of learning helps children to control the movement of their bodies. Learning how to string beads, hold a crayon, kick a soccer ball, perform gymnastics or ride a bicycle are all examples of physical control.

VI. Learning about others. It helps children to understand how to get along with others one-by-one, how to recognize the needs, thoughts and feelings of others, and how to get along in groups of children.

VII. Learning about self. Children also need to learn about themselves and to understand their own needs, thoughts, feelings and personal like and dislikes.

VIII. Learning about nature. It helps children to recognize and understand characteristics of the natural world, such as animals, plants and the environment.

It can be said that, one of the most important things, which helps the nurture children talent, is encouragement. Children need to be given freedom to grow and explore in order to find their gifts, says American Psychological Association [APA]. Tight rules and schedule can stifle a child’s gift. Children need opportunities to dream, to explore and to talk about it, the APA Says. Parents Have To Set A Basic Schedule But They Have To Be So Flexible.

The APA and other child experts suggest the following techniques for encouraging children to develop [nurture] their talents:
1. Be a rule model. Work hard on your own hobbies and interests.

2. Provide a broad range of extra curricular opportunities such as scouting, a sport team or the school/choir.

3. Catch your children being good. Don’t ignore them, which they are quiet and engrossed in an activity. Reinforce this with praise.

4. Help children advance without over challenging them. If your children like to pick out tunes on the piano, read to them aloud about a music role model, browse in a music shop or suggest lessons.

5. Allow your children to try out an array of activities. Observe which prompts the most enthusiasm.

6. Support the choices of your children make even if they are not the ones you expected.

7. When a performance doesn’t meet expectetions, praise your children for the attempt. Its less key they will give up.

A part from encouragement, self-eastern is another important aspect; hence building children’s self esteem is another avenue for discounting and nurturing Childs talent.
In order to foster self-esteem the following as experts suggests must be observed:
1) Look at each child as a unique person i.e.:

· Make every effort not to compare a child with siblings or classmates.

· Focus on the countries assets rather than what the child doesn’t have.

· De-emphasize competition.

· Accept the child for what he or she is rather than what you want him or her to be.

· Be supportive of this or her interests.

2) Keep expectations realistic.

3) Give The Freedom To Make Mistakes:

· Don’t be defeated by mistakes.
· Teach children problem solving skills so they can continue to try.
· Instead of focusing on errors, encouraging children.

4) Build in success:

· Create situations where failure is unlikely by breaking down tasks into a series of easy steps and communicating them clearing and concisely.
· Provide opportunity for training.
· Give children a chance to contribute in their particular area of competency.
1) Give encouragement.

2) Accepts children’s unpleasant feelings and teach them how to deal with them.

3) Give choices

4) Give responsibility and expect cooperation.

5) Keep your sense of humor.

Carol fertiq in his article “10ways to develop talents in children” has these to suggest:

1. Expose children to a wide variety of experiences in addition to traditional academic subjects such as math, reading, writing history and science. Expose Them Also To Art, Theater, Music Nature, Sports and technology of all types.

2. Expose children to different types of people people from different socio economic backgrounds, different ethnicities and different belief systems.

3. Encourage young people to develop hobbies, join clubs participate in competitions, attend extra curricular activities and take lessons.

4. Support the interests of your child even if they are not the same as yours. Ask leading questions to help you understand what was drawn her to a particular topic. Speak and listen to your child with consideration and respect.

5. Set a personal example by either having a wide variety of interests or one that has become special developing into passion.

6. Interact with your child by participating in the things that excite him.

7. Celebrate the Interests of Different family Members And Every One Does Not Have To Be A Like Value Another Differences.

8. Teach your child how to find information and resources in a variety of ways books, interest, other people etc.

9. Expose your child to many different experiences yet allow time for her creative mind to develop and to pursuer what she discovers. Do not overload. This is a fine line to walk.

10.Let your child lead the way. he will let you know when something pique his interest. Don’t be over involved. Expose, but don’t push.

Research done in Poland shows that, the project of developing children talents was so successful. The projects were launched in Warsaw and Prnssnysr by ABB. The Company is contributing about $36,000 to them.

The ABBS Project help children aged 7-15 develop skills and use their free time more productively. It is the first such centers in the Miedzyleslearea where about8, 000 people have lived until now without community halls or youth clubs:
· Among the courses and workshops, children are taught how to cope with aggression, how to develops their imagination and can follow courses on computer, photography and literature.

· The program launched by ABB is contributing to a fundamental change in the children’s behavior and altitude towards the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its thrue